
Ecux, the IDM/experimental project of Jason LaCombe, has been writing, recording and occasionally releasing music for what is quickly nearing a decade. Ranging from off-kilter simple exercises in rhythm to solely melodic structures and of course everywhere funky and strange in-between, he has touched on many different areas of the now common home-based electronic recording artist. Intent on expansion through unfamiliarity, Jason will be releasing only one more album of new material as ecux.

You can find his other musical endeavors with the electronic-rock band Auxien, and a soon-to-be-released colaboration with Todd Christopher called Ingredient. Keep your ears to the ground for new electronic projects from Jason in the near future.

Releases by ecux on Zenapolæ

Release date: 07.08.2007

lentinecuxDownload file (Save as)
pilecuxDownload file (Save as)
anariaecuxDownload file (Save as)
in tearsecuxDownload file (Save as)
hymn:isoloxecuxDownload file (Save as)
air2ecuxDownload file (Save as)
ictalecuxDownload file (Save as)
ecn art .41ecuxDownload file (Save as)

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2007 by Jason LaCombe. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Release date: 07.08.2005

U-IxecuxDownload file (Save as)
Yellow-GreenecuxDownload file (Save as)
Anemone3ecuxDownload file (Save as)
CordsecuxDownload file (Save as)
NeptuneecuxDownload file (Save as)
Octet TrussecuxDownload file (Save as)
MetionecuxDownload file (Save as)
ChlorineecuxDownload file (Save as)
PermafrostecuxDownload file (Save as)

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2005 by Jason LaCombe. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Release date: 07.08.2005

CassiopeiaecuxDownload file (Save as)
IlpecuxDownload file (Save as)
PolyxecuxDownload file (Save as)
SempteecuxDownload file (Save as)
LuthmecuxDownload file (Save as)
LymfecuxDownload file (Save as)
MittensecuxDownload file (Save as)
PilcecuxDownload file (Save as)
MuptcecuxDownload file (Save as)
SentimentecuxDownload file (Save as)
CrossPlusecuxDownload file (Save as)
TunguskaecuxDownload file (Save as)
NyaecuxDownload file (Save as)

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2005 by Jason LaCombe. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


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