Fritz Gessler  
Fritz Gessler is from Berlin, Germany.

Fritz Gessler

Fritz Gessler makes less music and more noise in his works - relying on vst synths, found sounds in the net and elsewhere and on his general pessimist view on the world surrounding us. Actually living in Berlin, sometimes escaping to other countries.

Releases by Fritz Gessler on Zenapolæ

Release date: 18.02.2024

some very dark ambiences. böse.

01 ave maria, mater dei 08:17
02 ora pro nobis peccatoribus 10:00
03 in hora mortis nostrae 08:19
04 amen 09:35

'ave maria', a traditional christian prayer at christmas time - but now, especially given the actual circunstances and massacres in the 'holy land', not sung in sweet tunes...but an interpretation in dark drones, harsh noise and found sounds creating a brooding menacing atmosphere. as the angel of announcement nowadays would speak to virgin maria becoming the mother of jesus christ. amen.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2024 by Fritz Gessler
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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