MJDK is Mateusz Jedrzejczak from Poland

MJDK is a project I started in 2014, after my earlier project Darkness And Silence (2005-2009). The music is a consideration of science, art, history and philosophy. Emotionally, it touches on the themes of loneliness and melancholia.


Releases by MJDK on Zenapolæ

Release date: 20.03.2016

dark drones & atmospheres

01. Abyssium I
02. Abyssium II
03. Abyssium III
04. Abyssium IV
05. Abyssium V
06. Abyssium VI
07. Abyssium VII
08. Abyssium VIII
09. Abyssium IX
10. Abyssium X

I recorded this album in Poland in December 2015.
In this album I try find sounds to get out of my dark, melancholy soul.

Full Downloads

zen133.zip (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2016 by MJDK.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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