Release date: 03.04.2022

a vampiric drone sound journey

01 Visum et Repertum 41:07

One of the most important sources for the history of vampirism is the report Visum et Repertum written and attested by military surgeons in Serbia on January 26, 1732. It was sent to the authorities in Belgrade and Vienna, and copied by envoys of foreign governments. Foremost it was distributed in various versions to newspapers and scientific periodicals throughout Europe causing a public as well as scientific sensation in many European countries throughout the year 1732. In fact, had it not been for this report, the word vampire and the stories of these supposedly blood drinking corpses would probably not have become known, and consequently the popular vampire of authors like John William Polidori and Bram Stoker, as well as the vampire of 20th and 21st century popular media would not have come into existence.

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Copyright (c) 2022 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Dr. Occulta  

Dr. Occulta is Nikola Antic from Pirot, Serbia

Dr. Occulta comes from the darkest abyss of mind. Hypnotic atmosphere makes an altogether telepathic creation of thoughts and emotions. A dark and abandoned soundscape, which will draw many dark ambient fans into its grasp. Only for true dark individuals.

Dr. Occulta maintains projects under several monickers:
  • Nothingness (deep dark drone ambient)
  • Glog (vampiric drone soundscape ambient)
  • Depression Embrace (sad dark ambient)
  • Three Moons (space dark ambient)

Releases by Dr. Occulta on Zenapolæ

Release date: 04.04.2023

deep dark ambiences

01 Под бледим месецом
Pod Bledim Mesecom
Under the Pale Moon
02 Смрзнут дах
Smrznut Dah
Frozen Breath
03 Лажна зора
Lažna Zora
False Dawn

Вилино коло - Vilje Kolo, or Fairy Ring - is a common toponym. Places with this name were associated with legends that said that fairies used to play there. A fairy ring is a circle or semicircle of grass that differs from the surrounding grass (it is more lush or stunted, a different color). It is often found in a clearing, on top of a hill, or near a spring. It could be marked by a circle of mushrooms in a meadow (a fairy tale). If there was an elevation within this circle, it was said that a bagpiper or some other player was standing on it, while the fairies danced around it. Other similar toponyms indicate the same belief (Vilina Voda, Vilina izvor).

There was a fear of illness and death among the people who would step on the fairy ring. A man who stumbled upon a fairy's playground (or dinner, found a fairy bathing or enjoying some other kind of pleasure) would be severely punished. The severity of this offense is so serious because fairy rites are mysterious, prohibit the presence of the uninitiated and take place in taboo places. In the legend about the fairy ring, the practice of initiation rites is reflected. A girl is considered a girl from the day she first enters the circle and goes through this important rite of passage. The offender was punished by deprivation of sight or hearing, paralysis, or death.

Forgiveness of sins and healing could only be given to him by the fairy. The trampling of the fairy's playground and the outcome of this transgression are sung by the Sibinian folk song Janko s vila. For fairies and other demons, the game has a very reasonable strength. Fairies get angry if someone interrupts them in a game uninvited, while, on the other hand, their favorite pastime is to bring someone into the circle and "outplay" them. They would transfer part of their supernatural power to the grass they were playing on, so it became "dangerous" or "miraculous".

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Copyright (c) 2023 by Depression Embrace
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 10.01.2023

a truly dark ambient scenery

01 Part I 21:31
02 Part II 16:06

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2023 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 26.09.2022

a nocturnal dark ambient trip

01 The Haunted Graveyard 31:42

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2022 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 01.08.2022

very dark ambient

01 Premature Burial 10:43
02 Memento Mori 7:35
03 Path To Turres 11:30
04 Crypt IV 16:12

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2022 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 29.05.2022

delicate ambient space drones

01 Lunar Crater 22:38
02 Tycho 9:03
03 Eclipsed 26:25

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2022 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 07.05.2022

a fragile dark drone ambience

01 Mournful 12:36
02 Overwhelming Sadness 9:50
03 Restlessness 22:33

A burden to be borne by those who embark on the paths of the black arts!
Only for true dark individuals!

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2022 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 03.04.2022

a vampiric drone sound journey

01 Visum et Repertum 41:07

One of the most important sources for the history of vampirism is the report Visum et Repertum written and attested by military surgeons in Serbia on January 26, 1732. It was sent to the authorities in Belgrade and Vienna, and copied by envoys of foreign governments. Foremost it was distributed in various versions to newspapers and scientific periodicals throughout Europe causing a public as well as scientific sensation in many European countries throughout the year 1732. In fact, had it not been for this report, the word vampire and the stories of these supposedly blood drinking corpses would probably not have become known, and consequently the popular vampire of authors like John William Polidori and Bram Stoker, as well as the vampire of 20th and 21st century popular media would not have come into existence.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2022 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 16.09.2019

a deep, dark ambience. only for true dark individuals.

1. Through The Fog
2. The Tower
3. Misty Mountain

First studio album by this isolated creation from eastern Serbia landscape. Hypnotic dark ambient sounds strongly inspired by mysterious Old Mountain. The band Nothingness comes from the darkest abyss of the mind. The Misty Mountain album is dedicated to Stara Planina (Old Mountain). Hypnotic atmosphere makes an all together telepathic creation of thoughts and emotions. A dark and abandoned soundscape, which would draw many dark ambient fan into is grisp. Focusing the worlds beyond the veil, either deep in history, or a matter of footsteps away, hidden in a dark realm.

Music by Nikola Antic (Dr.Occulta)

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2019 by Dr. Occulta
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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