Release date: 29.06.2023

dark, brooding, intense drone atmospheres with concealed field recordings

01 La cosa salió perfecta
The thing went perfect
02 A los traidores les estaba vedado el ingreso al mundo de los sueños
The traitors were forbidden to enter the world of dreams
03 Hemos llegado
We have arrived
04 La otra parte
The other part

Four experimental pieces composed with field sounds, synthesizers, effects, voices, electric bass. Sounds to eliminate the monotony of the routine life of the city, a new way of moving through it and defending my individuality in this insane group that lives locked up in the limits of imposed reality. Other sounds for other music. Other music for other minds.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2023 by Kaoshipnótico
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Kaoshipnótico is from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Kaoshipnótico is a tool for psychoexploration, to experience in my inner space the reasons for the absurdity of modern life trying to give meaning to the general nonsense obtaining different results, some of them manifested in sound forms.

In Kaoshipnótico everything begins with a sound, the only organized unit, to that sound I will add my complexity and it will be the DNA of the piece to which other layers will be added, other oscillators and effects, to achieve chaotically transmuted visceral constructions that they express with a language more precise than words my idea of life.

The expression of Kaoshipnótico reflects what it means to live in the terror imposed by violent, authoritarian, primitive societies, a paradise of exploitation, confusion and destruction where reality is manipulated and trying to live on the margins of its ruins.

Kaoshipnótico Blog

Releases by Kaoshipnótico on Zenapolæ

Release date: 29.06.2023

dark, brooding, intense drone atmospheres with concealed field recordings

01 La cosa salió perfecta
The thing went perfect
02 A los traidores les estaba vedado el ingreso al mundo de los sueños
The traitors were forbidden to enter the world of dreams
03 Hemos llegado
We have arrived
04 La otra parte
The other part

Four experimental pieces composed with field sounds, synthesizers, effects, voices, electric bass. Sounds to eliminate the monotony of the routine life of the city, a new way of moving through it and defending my individuality in this insane group that lives locked up in the limits of imposed reality. Other sounds for other music. Other music for other minds.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2023 by Kaoshipnótico
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 18.05.2021

a probe that explores the psyche and externalizes the shadows

01 Solamente la insurrección podrá resolver esta paradoja
Only the insurrection can resolve this paradox
02 Indefinidamente resbalan en el espacio oscuro
Indefinitely slip in dark space
03 La molécula espiritualt
The spiritual molecule
04 Refugio para los descontentos con la cultura moderna
Refuge for those unhappy with modern culture
05 Un sueño, un parque temático
A dream, a theme park
06 Entropía
07 Esos momentos que la razón ignora
Those moments that reason ignores
08 Entre las sombras de otro mundo
Among the shadows of another world

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2021 by Kaoshipnótico
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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