01 | La cosa salió perfecta
The thing went perfect |
09:57 |
02 | A los traidores les estaba vedado el ingreso al mundo de los sueños
The traitors were forbidden to enter the world of dreams |
12:47 |
03 | Hemos llegado
We have arrived |
21:57 |
04 | La otra parte
The other part |
11:31 |
zen274.zip (complete album with artwork)
Releases by Kaoshipnótico on Zenapolæ
01 | La cosa salió perfecta
The thing went perfect |
09:57 |
02 | A los traidores les estaba vedado el ingreso al mundo de los sueños
The traitors were forbidden to enter the world of dreams |
12:47 |
03 | Hemos llegado
We have arrived |
21:57 |
04 | La otra parte
The other part |
11:31 |
zen274.zip (complete album with artwork)
01 | Solamente la insurrección podrá resolver esta paradoja Only the insurrection can resolve this paradox |
06:32 |
02 | Indefinidamente resbalan en el espacio oscuro Indefinitely slip in dark space |
08:17 |
03 | La molécula espiritualt The spiritual molecule |
07:52 |
04 | Refugio para los descontentos con la cultura moderna Refuge for those unhappy with modern culture |
05:30 |
05 | Un sueño, un parque temático A dream, a theme park |
05:58 |
06 | Entropía Entropy |
04:58 |
07 | Esos momentos que la razón ignora Those moments that reason ignores |
04:56 |
08 | Entre las sombras de otro mundo Among the shadows of another world |
07:42 |
zen230.zip (complete album with artwork)