Release date: 04.03.2024

an ambient tragedy in six parts

01 Mandatory Madness 00:58
02 Death Theater
It’s the place where the suicide happens. The exact name of the station, which can be heard in the song, is City Theater station, one of the most crowded stations in Tehran, Iran.
03 Decaying Love
The feelings that this person carries within his soul about his loved one.
04 Don't Be Afriad
The sound of his lover as a soul whispering to him, to lead him into darkness and death to embrace the end, by saying Don’t be afraid!
05 Transition
His departure song into the realm of death.
06 Rooted Flow
And finally death stares him into the eye and flows as he is rooted in darkness.

I dedicate this album to all those people who feel nothing works out for them and commit suicide. This album revolves around a person who lost the love of his life, and this guy, who is a Greek mythology maniac, thinks that his love is in the underworld, captured by Hades, God of Death, and he goes to a subway station to kill himself, go down and seek his love, to set her free.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2024 by The EyE
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The EyE  
The EyE is Amir Hossein, born 1996 in Tehran, Iran.

His sound consists of elements which play with human consciouness and deal with deep, dark and powerful emotions. The good sound may vibrate the soul and open a new door to human mind.

Releases by The EyE on Zenapolæ

Release date: 04.03.2024

an ambient tragedy in six parts

01 Mandatory Madness 00:58
02 Death Theater
It’s the place where the suicide happens. The exact name of the station, which can be heard in the song, is City Theater station, one of the most crowded stations in Tehran, Iran.
03 Decaying Love
The feelings that this person carries within his soul about his loved one.
04 Don't Be Afriad
The sound of his lover as a soul whispering to him, to lead him into darkness and death to embrace the end, by saying Don’t be afraid!
05 Transition
His departure song into the realm of death.
06 Rooted Flow
And finally death stares him into the eye and flows as he is rooted in darkness.

I dedicate this album to all those people who feel nothing works out for them and commit suicide. This album revolves around a person who lost the love of his life, and this guy, who is a Greek mythology maniac, thinks that his love is in the underworld, captured by Hades, God of Death, and he goes to a subway station to kill himself, go down and seek his love, to set her free.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2024 by The EyE
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 01.02.2020

a splendid experimental ambience from Iran

1. A Cosmic Birth

Birth of a sad beautiful star

2. A Symphony of A Murder

Imagine theater with a murder scene

3. Missing Something That Does Not Exist

We have always missed something we are not aware of what it is.
It is just a weird feeling we deal with, and it's so melancholic.

4. Gray

A song which is like a nostalgia, like an old man remembering good old times

5. Awareness

The very moment of realization of who we really are

6. A Cosmic Death

Death of a beautiful sad star

7. The Passage of Suicide

Fading into nothingness

This album is an expression of decaying feelings which we always deal with as a human being. Feelings like loneliness, emptiness, or suicidal feelings. Let us express it with music, which is a door to freedom and salvation. And remember you are not alone.

I dedicate this album to my amazing mother and my lovely beautiful girlfriend Nafisa, who has always supported me along the way and motivated me in my down times, and also my dear friend Shaheen for collaborating with me on two tracks (1+6), as well as my true friend Komeil Monfared for his amazing art on the album cover.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2020 by The EyE
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Cover art: Komeil Monfared

Release date: 06.08.2017

a thoughtful dark ambience from Iran

1. Blank the dark night of the soul and is based on a dream that I had.
2. Moments moments. Feel the time and the portal.
3. Mortuary the track in which you lie down in cold and darkness but smoothly.
4. Ephemeral and beauty that last for a short time.
5. Brood
...thinking alone. A bridge to the freedom.
6. Reality
..."Reality"? What is reality? Just listen...
7. Quiet
...the quieter you become, the more you can hear! Just be empty, clear and quiet.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Blank is an exprience through dark passages of time and space that ends up in freedom of soul. It helps the listeners to deepen their state of being in the present moment by consuming their inner fears. The element of fear is used throughout the album to set them free in the end. There are so many layers in each track to make you visualize a story in your mind, then go beyond your mind.

Thanks to my sufferings and pains for pushing me to make this album. Also many thanks to those gray moments that inspired me to make this happen. And many thanks to Alan Watts and Ram Dass for their teachings.

This album is dedicated to those who are in pain and are looking for a light to get free.

Copyright (c) 2017 by The EyE.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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