Release date: 14.07.2024

The Netlabel Day 2024 Compilation, harvesting from the past year's releases

00 Zenapolæ Netlabel Radio program
aired on July 14 16:00 CEST
01 Delusive Ocean
zen288 · Accasari: Perception is Controlled Hallucination (Russia)
02 Mercury
zen287 · Eko Fisk: Strand (UK)
03 Shores of Old Pau Chuumzom
zen283 · Niclas Tamas: The Music from Undiscovered Civilisations (Hungary)
04 Dont Be Afriad
zen286 · The EyE: Subway Suicide (Iran)
05 Day 24
(previously unreleased) affaire difficile (Germany)
06 I can fly no more
zen292 · Sigil Of Time: To The Swamp (Russia)
07 Two Minutes To Midnight
zen284 · Ivan Ivanhoerista: Noisy Ruins Crumbling Souls (Serbia)
08 Fugue State
zen289 · RL Huber: Memories of Falling (USA)
09 Tonemapping
zen291 · STRoeHM: MyxX (Germany)
10 Ancient Denomination
zen278 · William St Hugh: High Upon the Serpent Mound (USA)

This album has been released as part of Netlabel Day 2024 on July 14

Netlabel Day 2024

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) by the respective artists
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Cover: Cat's Eye Nebula

Compilations with contributions from various artists go under the name "(various)"

Releases by (various) on Zenapolæ

Release date: 14.07.2024

The Netlabel Day 2024 Compilation, harvesting from the past year's releases

00 Zenapolæ Netlabel Radio program
aired on July 14 16:00 CEST
01 Delusive Ocean
zen288 · Accasari: Perception is Controlled Hallucination (Russia)
02 Mercury
zen287 · Eko Fisk: Strand (UK)
03 Shores of Old Pau Chuumzom
zen283 · Niclas Tamas: The Music from Undiscovered Civilisations (Hungary)
04 Dont Be Afriad
zen286 · The EyE: Subway Suicide (Iran)
05 Day 24
(previously unreleased) affaire difficile (Germany)
06 I can fly no more
zen292 · Sigil Of Time: To The Swamp (Russia)
07 Two Minutes To Midnight
zen284 · Ivan Ivanhoerista: Noisy Ruins Crumbling Souls (Serbia)
08 Fugue State
zen289 · RL Huber: Memories of Falling (USA)
09 Tonemapping
zen291 · STRoeHM: MyxX (Germany)
10 Ancient Denomination
zen278 · William St Hugh: High Upon the Serpent Mound (USA)

This album has been released as part of Netlabel Day 2024 on July 14

Netlabel Day 2024

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) by the respective artists
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Cover: Cat's Eye Nebula

Release date: 14.07.2023

The Netlabel Day 2023 Compilation - an assorted variety of weird sounds & atmospheres

01 Desolate Machinery
zen226 · VCR: It's All Too Late (Czechia)
02 Confosa Plàcida Profunditat
03 Question 6
zen221 · EE7A: Synapse (USA)
04 Intervençao Inmediata
zen261 · The Advanced Antennas: Cold Signals (Spain)
05 Virga Thoughts
zen258 · Gears in the Rain: Liminal (USA)
06 Bloom
zen239 · Shinpal: aspiration (Japan)
07 Kansu Awakening
zen273 · Hamunkansu: What Goes Around Comes Around (Iran)
08 Empty Factories
zen153 · Daniele Ciullini: Forgotten Monuments (Italy)
09 Our Saucerful
zen222 · affaire difficile: P·S·Y·C·H·E (Germany)
10 Tui
zen243 · Cristiano Bocci & Smiltzo: Eight Electronic Mantras (Italy)
11 Ambient Valley
zen232 · STRöHM: Chromosome (Germany)
12 Polar Sequence Fragments Pt II
zen240 · Venus Vulture: Ecosystem 8 (New Zealand))
13 Research Station
zen260 · VAULT: Isle (UK)

This album has been released as part of Netlabel Day 2023 on July 14

Netlabel Day 2023

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) by the respective artists
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Cover photography by Maria Hampe

Release date: 07.05.2019

a musical journey along Zenapolæ's timeline celebrating its 20th anniversary
happy birthday to you all ;-)

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Nik, aka 4T Thieves, from Finland, has crafted an awesome 4-deck live remix of 23 tracks taken from Zenapolæ's catalog, in roughly chronological order. This 40-minute continuous remix track beautifully reflects the label's development over time, at the same time creating its own, unique atmosphere. From our electronic beginnings, through the dark ambient phase, into its present, more experimental, orientation.

Tracks used in the remix

1. zen001 - d/form: What Are You Thinking? - 6. 00:29:21::00:37:02 (1999)
2. zen005 - Instruction Shuttle: Open Sad Circuit - 12. DNADegrade (2003)
3. zen015 - ecux: Eastern Cross - 5. Luthm (2003)
4. zen080 - Many: Processed - 1. zsea (2011)
5. zen021 - Aidan Baker: Paeu Sensible - 2. Distal Akirl (2003)

6. zen037 - lolpix: Unrealized - 2. Bent (2007)
7. zen035 - Raumwerk: Eine Mögliche Reise - 3. Sting Meets Green (2007)
8. zen043 - Jopy: Bojjhanga - 3. Dhammavicaya (2007)
9. zen049 - Thomas Maos: Chill In Drill Out - 12_GoodVibrations (2008)
10. zen049 - Thomas Maos: Chill In Drill Out - 5. Filterwand (2008)

11. zen075 - Venus Vulture: Pylon Suite - 1. Pylon Suite I (2010)
12. zen001 - d/form: What Are You Thinking? - 00:05:51::00:11:58 (1999)
13. zen129 - affaire difficile: questionable things - 6. scene 4: organic talk (2016)
14. zen142 - 4T Thieves: Waves of Change - 3. Tranquil (2016)
15. zen153 - Daniele Ciullini: Forgotten Monuments - 2. empty factories (2017)

16. zen155 - MUTE - 4. Cielo Enorme (2017)
17. zen167 - Reverberant Evenings: Where Were We My Friend - 2. The Silver Ray (2018)
18. zen174 - affaire difficile: Certain Aspects of Proliferation - 1. Slice 1 (2018)
19. zen179 - El Wud: Ianua - 2. Dinamic Memory Sequences (2018)
20. zen181 - Mustlord: zenCompilation - 2. Deep Time III (2019)

21. zen142 - 4T Thieves: Waves of Change - 4. Drifting in the Clouds (2016)
22. zen184 - EE7A: No Summer - 2 Skeleton Down (2019)
23. zen043 - Jopy: Bojjhanga - 7. Passadhi (2007)

Copyright (c) 2019 by the respective artists
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Cover photography by Maria Hampe

Release date: 07.08.2009

our album and track Top Ten, according to the download statistics 2009

Album Top Ten

1. Aidan Baker: Paeu Sensible
from the album Paeu Sensible (zen021)

2. Raumwerk: Vom Scheitern Nietzsches Analytikers, Mahler zu heilen
from the album Insomnia (zen050)

3. Saffron Slumber: Of Ice Water and Steam
from the album Walk Through Doors (zen059)

4. Jopy: Rime Frost
from the album Third Generation Dirt Farmers (zen046)

5. Petal: Glass
from the album The Pharisee (zen029)

6. Jopy: Dhammavicaya
from the album Bojjhanga (zen043)

7. Raumwerk: Sting Meets Green
from the album Eine mögliche Reise (zen035)

8. Machine Thoughts: Teoria Maszyn
from the album Mysli Maszyn (zen014)

9. Petal: Meridian
from the album Variegations (zen048)

10. Maszyna_01: Atraktor
from the album Maszyna_01 (zen060)

Track Top Ten

1. Thomas Maos: Feed Me Back
from the album Chill in Drill out (zen049)

2. OVe: Deep Curtains
from the album s+r0be (zen016)

3. Instruction Shuttle: Exodus
from the album Activnoi-se (zen018)

4. AmgSphont: Pkhkvesis
from the album Landsphere:Atmoscape (zen032)

5. Kidsok Nuit & Trio Antimanerista: Necro-Sclerosiae
from the album Oblique (zen027)

6. Prototyp: Saturn II
from the album Prototyp (zen058)

7. Kenneth John Parsons: Blue World
from the album Inexplicata Music (zen024)

8. Instruction Shuttle: Broken Wing
from the album Outpost (zen045)

9. Kenneth John Parsons: Da-Vinci's-Vitruvian-Man
from the album Inexplicata Music (zen024)

10. Kenneth John Parsons: Leedskalnin-Movement
from the album Inexplicata Music (zen024)

Full Downloads (complete double album)

Copyright (c) 2012 by Zenapolæ.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Release date: 07.08.2001

Graphited/formDownload file (Save as)
Coming Out Of HidingCrudDownload file (Save as)
Children Of The Ort CloudMaudibDownload file (Save as)
My Gluttoness Lobster BabyDhudnDownload file (Save as)
AtirpKalxDownload file (Save as)
029zenas(prime)Download file (Save as)
SeconEcuxDownload file (Save as)
But Now It's Too LateDhudnDownload file (Save as)
UtilityInstruction ShuttleDownload file (Save as)
Adinu6KalxDownload file (Save as)
Because You AreMaudibDownload file (Save as)
Y CleptEcuxDownload file (Save as)
SwimshellInstruction ShuttleDownload file (Save as)
Ear Drum DreamCrudDownload file (Save as)
046zenas(prime)Download file (Save as)
Silicad/formDownload file (Save as)

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2001 by Various. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


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