01 | The Shrunmas Plains | 51:46 |
02 | Olpel Olmurm | 45:24 |
zen296.zip (complete album with artwork)
Reclusive, peaceful life in Budapest with coffee, cake, concerts and a cigar. All music intended for headphone listening without distractions or interruptions.
Releases by Niclas Tamas on Zenapolæ
01 | Epochs 1 | 14:54 |
02 | Epochs 2 | 17:24 |
03 | Epochs 3 | 14:08 |
04 | Epochs 4 | 15:24 |
zen298.zip (complete album with artwork)
01 | The Shrunmas Plains | 51:46 |
02 | Olpel Olmurm | 45:24 |
zen296.zip (complete album with artwork)
01 | Desert of Diwor | 1:00:00 |
zen290.zip (complete album with artwork)
01 | Inner Ulmolm Wasteland | 08:00 |
02 | Shores of Old Pau Chuumzom | 06:56 |
03 | The Wilds of Great Pulkolosa | 06:00 |
04 | The Mukhek Highlands | 09:25 |
05 | The Coast of Great Tiorkhaiw | 09:01 |
06 | Eastern Mubkig | 09:56 |
07 | The Lower Gulf of Ilitadup | 09:27 |
08 | The Bishopric of High Sildsa | 12:00 |
zen283.zip (complete album with artwork)