Please feel free to contact us to give feedback or site critique,
or to submit your music for release on Zenapolæ.
Drop a mail to
If you submit music to Zenapolæ, please do not submit the same material to other labels at the same time. We invest time and effort in following your links, listening to your music, and considering a release, and it's kind of discouraging to learn afterwards that in the meantime you have agreed to release with some other label. Normally, we respond to submissions within a week, so we would ask you to please wait this period before contacting other labels.
Also, we may not respond to impersonal mails with just "Hey" and a bunch of links. A few words about you and your music would be nice ;-)
Our postal address is:
Twitter: @Zenapolae
Release Newsletter
Get informed by e-mail every time a new release is out. We'll send you a ahort mail announcing the new release,
with a direct link to its release page, for listening. And nothing else.
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