Release date: 22.04.2018

analogue ambient atmospheres

1. Foreshadow
2. Fireside Waltz
3. Interplay
4. Jet Stream
5. The Guided Cradle
6. House On The Hill
7. Opposition Bells (Pinch 2)
8. Landing

All music recorded in a single take on my Eurorack Modular with the help of my trusty Yamaha Reface CS. Effects and final mastering provided via both hardware and software.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2018 by EE7A.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

EE7A (Pronounced EEZA with a "Z") is Clayton Brooks from Portland, USA.

I have been producing electronic music since 1998 or so, but never in a professional capacity. Most work was within a DAW environment up until about 2015. I briefly ran the Manifest Northwest Recordings netlabel under my sea.envy moniker, which was active from about 2010-2012. Time constraints put an end to that, sadly. The focus of my musical output has always been of the 'techno' variety, however recently I tried writing an ambient track while I was in between drum machines, and something clicked. A self imposed shift into ambient soundscapes has taken place and I have decided to focus my efforts there for the immediate future.

Releases by EE7A on Zenapolæ

Release date: 15.12.2020

ambient soundscapes

01 Making Connections 10:12
02 Platinum Drops 8:22
03 Question 6 4:22
04 Glass Whispers 7:11
05 As Above, So Below 8:23

One step forward, two steps back; the eternal struggle of fighting that which can't be fought. Letting go is an artform. Presented here is the perfect soundtrack to accompany intrepid explorers like yourself along the journey of leaving it all behind. Eliminate the clutter in your thoughts and press ever onward. Peace is a state of mind, waiting to be found by those who make the effort to find it. Make the effort.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2020 by EE7A
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 11.03.2019

an auditory journey through the worldly seasons

1. Sacrifice
2. Skeleton Down
3. Rise
4. No Summer
5. Winter (Departure)

No Summer is an auditory journey through the infinite procession of the worldly seasons, and hopes invoke feelings of calm and acceptance of the changes that this unstoppable trek through space and time brings with it.

All music recorded live using a Eurorack format modular synthesizer, accompanied by an Arturia Microbrute and various FX pedals.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2019 by EE7A
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Release date: 22.04.2018

analogue ambient atmospheres

1. Foreshadow
2. Fireside Waltz
3. Interplay
4. Jet Stream
5. The Guided Cradle
6. House On The Hill
7. Opposition Bells (Pinch 2)
8. Landing

All music recorded in a single take on my Eurorack Modular with the help of my trusty Yamaha Reface CS. Effects and final mastering provided via both hardware and software.

Full Downloads (complete album with artwork)

Copyright (c) 2018 by EE7A.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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